Tips In Organizing Group Trips

Clif here mga pri. Some of you may have realized that I started way back in 2012 organizing group trips or getaways mainly at Anawanging cove and nearby sites which eventually lead to other areaas such Ilocos Tour, Baler Tour Package, Sagada, etc.

While I’m far from organising perfect trips. I’d like to share some tips or pointers to make your escapade more meaningful.

  1. Designate One Person For: This persons task is to communicate to organizers, driver, and all related persons for the trip or the so called “providers”. This person does the payment, messaging etc. This is to avoid too much info when in the inquiring mode. Eliminate confusion and misunderstanding as well.
  2. Plan in Advance: Start planning well ahead of time. This allows people to clear their schedules and ensures you have enough time to make reservations and arrangements.
  3. Create an Itinerary: Have a rough itinerary of what you want to do each day. This gives everyone a general idea of the plan and helps avoid indecision. If not, then asked from the organizer you’re inquiring from.
  4. Communication is Key: Set up a group chat or use a travel planning app to keep everyone in the loop. Regular updates and reminders can help avoid last-minute confusion. I must say, clarify deadlines and amounts to reserve when needed.
  5. Budget Considerations: Make sure everyone is on the same page regarding budget. Discuss accommodation options, meals, activities, and transportation costs in advance
  6. Be Flexible: Plans might not always go as expected. Be open to changes and go with the flow. Flexibility is key to a successful group trip.
  7. Collect Money in Advance: If you’re covering expenses for the group, collect money from everyone in advance. It avoids awkward situations and ensures everyone contributes their fair share.
  8. Emergency Plan: Have a plan for emergencies. Share important contact details, know the location of medical facilities, and have a backup plan for unexpected situations.
  9. Respect Individual Preferences: Understand that everyone has different interests. Try to include a variety of activities so that everyone gets to do something they enjoy.
  10. Celebrate Differences: People might have different travel styles. Some may prefer a laid-back vacation, while others are more adventurous. Find a balance that accommodates everyone’s preferences.
  11. Pack Smart: Remind everyone to pack appropriately for the destination and activities planned. Share packing lists if necessary. This is specially true when it’s a joiners tour.
  12. Take Photos but Live in the Moment: It’s great to capture memories, but encourage everyone to put their phones down and enjoy the experience.

Remember, the goal is to have fun and create lasting memories. Anyone can enjoy while in the journey.


About clifTV

Clifford here. Traveler, local guide, tour coordinator, table tennis, gardening, photographer, videographer, virtual assistant, and into free diving soon.
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