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Be part of our cause to provide decent jobs for our dear bangkeros/boatmen, providing assistance to the poor and needy and in preserving mother earth.

Note that we have launched this way before Haiyan/Yolanda came. So far upon launching we have at least 80% compliance or cooperation from our guests.

Love Ko Kapwa Ko Outreach Program!

Our primary reasoning of organizing LKA is to boost their (bangkeros) morale and create decent jobs by compensating (either by us or from those of which we have encouraged to do so) them not only according with the mandated rate but at times more that. We also posted  and will continue to post relevant articles to achieve this vision so that the public would have necessary awareness. Read “About Us” to learn more!

This vision is getting bigger and bigger and right now we intend also to provide means for their kids to study well, clothing (we barely accumulated few clothes, papers, erasers and other school supplies) and other charitable acts in which we can be of help. We’re also expanding our vision in preserving mother earth like tree planting, public awareness, cleaning program and other related activities which will hasten our mission and vision.

Be part of our cause by making any amount of donation.

Click the image to make a donation through paypal or contact us for further details.

FYI: You may send your old clothes or any 2nd hand stuff that can be of use like toys, books, pens etc. There will be a donation box for these in our waiting area before leaving to anawangin. We can meet in person if necessary.

For faster response, after commenting here, SEND A DIRECT email at using your email. Please include your contact number. We'll respond within a day. Queries on Sundays shall be addressed the following day. At least 1-2 week reservation.Thanks!